Dr Priyanka Parikh, International renowned Developmental Pediatricain, ADHD, Autism, India, Mumbai, world renowned



Dr Priyanka Parikh

 Best Autism Doctor in Mumbai

Appointment/Online Video Consultation : (+91) 98696 65615

I have trained in the Pediatric Neuro Disability Clinic at the Northwick Park hospital, London for the diagnosis and management of Autism, ADHD and other Developmental Disorders.  

Autism Overview

What is autism and at what age does it commonly manifest in a child

Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability that affects social interaction, communication and imaginative play skills. Children with autism often have delays and difficulties with spoken language, use of gestures and understanding other people’s feelings or their own emotions. They often show repetitive behaviours, restricted interests and may have trouble processing different sensory inputs like sound, touch, etc. The intellectual abilities range from gifted to severely challenge and the severity of symptoms and support needed varies from person to person.

The symptoms tend to emerge by 12 to 18 months of age, and most symptoms manifest between 2 and 3 years of age.

What ‘unusual signs of Autism’ should parents look out for in their children before they visit a Developmental Pediatrician

Parents should be concerned and seek evaluation/diagnosis if their child

  • is not responding to name by 12 months
  • is not pointing at objects to show interest by 14 months
  • is not speaking any words by 16 months or two-word meaningful phrases by 24 months
  • avoids eye contact
  • prefers to be alone
  • does not play “pretend” games
  • repeat words or phrases over and over again
  • flaps hands, rocks whole body, or spins in circles
  • gets upset by minor changes in routine
  • has fixed, narrow interests
  • has unusual reactions to the way things sound, smell, taste, look or feel
  • shows loss of speech or social skills at any age

When should I meet a Developmental Pediatrician

It is recommended that you meet the Developmental Pediatrician as soon as possible when you see any of the above signs. The earlier you get evaluated and diagnosed,  the earlier the intervention can be started for Autism.  It is highly recommended not to wait and meet a Developmental Pediatrician if there are any concerns.

My interview on Autism on Doordarshan Sahyadri. Watch it here : Doordarshan Sahyadri – Live Interview on Autism 2nd April 2019